Before we know it, the school summer holidays will be upon us. We know that most parents find it tricky to keep the whole family happy when it comes to booking a holiday – and that’s where we step in. We are lucky enough to be part of each family’s adventure and we want to share the secrets as to why they are so successful!
I remember a statistic in a Telegraph article that found most parents (65%) only play with their children “occasionally”. As parents, we get this! On holiday parents need quality time away from balancing the stress of work and home life.
On a family action holiday, you enjoy the perfect balance between family adventures with your kids and time to unwind for yourself. Your accommodation is perfect awaiting your arrival, your chef takes care of all the cooking (which for some parents is almost as good as the activities!) And the children are entertained throughout your break without you having to plan, book, or manage any of it!
Simply choose the activities that are right for your family before you book and both you and the children have them to look forward to. Then during your holiday, everything is taken care of, giving you plenty of time to relax. Not only this, during each fun activity you’ll have the chance to reconnect and enjoy hanging out together. And that time spent playing will remind your children that although you can’t always be there, they are truly loved and appreciated.
Holidays are all about treating yourselves to a refreshing break from your normal habits and the monotony of everyday life and this includes breaking up the family dynamic. According to research (Elizabeth Buie, TES), a staggering 2/3 of conversations between parent and child are about daily routine!
An activity holiday provides the perfect opportunity to give this routine a break and invite new and engaging conversation. You are trying something new together - igniting new bonds, and you will be amazed how they’ve developed and grown since you last had such “quality time” with them.
Getting to see your children outside of the norm’ will help you all to discover how to communicate better and improve the routine at home. And it’s this kind of refreshed thinking that will continue to have a positive impact on the entire family long after the holiday adventures have ended.

Our family adventure holiday provides the perfect opportunity to strengthen (and even rebuild) relationships between loved ones. Technology “connects” us in a literal sense, but nothing beats physical time together. Activity holidays ensure that you have that time - and in a natural environment where everyone is happy. You many already know this, but your adventure holiday gives your teen (or tween) the chance to experience for themselves that closer understanding of each other that comes through body language, gestures and shared experience that just isn’t possible on social media! Activity Holidays Boost Your Family’s Health
Family activity holidays are healthy! Let’s be honest, it can be hard enough to motivate yourself (let alone the children!) to even walk the dog on the grey, drizzly days we often experience at home.
Croatia and Chamonix (in the summer!) are hot and sunny and you will all feel the benefits of getting outside into nature, both physically and mentally.
We have a huge choice of activities for your holiday, so you don’t need to be “the fit family” to enjoy yourselves - far from it! We make sure that the activity works for you and your family. The choice between mountain biking and e-biking are perfect examples of this. You may want to push yourselves with glacier hiking or the via ferrata or simply take it easy at the lake, or enjoy the thrill of a helicopter ride over the mountains.
Your activities, your way – but during this holiday you will be connecting with nature, improving everyone’s mood and giving your whole family a boost.
Research backs up what most of us would say - nearly half of us recall our happiest memories from our holidays. And the emotional, psychological, and social benefits of a family holiday last long after the break itself ends.
Fun family time together on an activity holiday creates unforgettable memories and these memories are shared by the family as a whole, helping you all to connect and feel loved, long after the adventure ends.
We get to know our guests well during the time they spend with us, and the feedback that we hear the most is that we managed to please everyone during their activity holiday. So, the secret’s out! It IS possible to find a family holiday that everyone will enjoy and benefit from and that’s why family activity holidays are so important.